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TIME Magazine, July 1, 1946, p. 65:
Cecil John Rhodes believed in a master race. He got mad whenever he thought about how pudding-headed George III and his pig-headed advisers had split that race. The money Rhodes made digging diamonds and empire building in South Africa he left for Oxford-- to unite Britain and the U.S. (Germany was added, as an afterthought) as the leaders of a world at peace. He thought Rhodes scholarships would turn the trick in a century or two.
The first Rhodes scholars were named in 1903. There have been 2,215 since, about half of them from the U.S.*...
...Rhodes expected his beneficiaries to study hard, and they do; 81.5% of the U.S. scholars since 1931** have been "Firsts" or "Seconds" at Oxford. Rhodes also wanted the chosen ones to play hard. Though nobody gets a Rhodes just because he is an athlete, or loses one because he is not, 85% compete on Oxford college teams.
Above all, Rhodes wanted his scholars to be leaders-- men who in later life would "esteem the performance of public duties as their highest aim."... Some 35% are in education, 21% in law, 13% in business, 5% in medicine, 5% in journalism and radio. Present trends: toward government service and journalism, away from law and the ministry.
Among the 200 Rhodes scholars who rate Who's Who in America: Henry Holt & Co.'s President Joseph Brandt, ex-OWI Director Elmer Davis, FCCommissioner Clifford J. Durr, Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright, Author Christopher Morley.
*Rhodes allotted two scholarships to each state. Some biographers claim that Rhodes thought there were only 13 states.
**Before 1918, appointments were handed out by states. Now the best candidates are chosen from six-state districts, a violation of Rhodes's will which has improved the caliber of scholars.
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